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SchoolProtect User Guide

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Group Resources

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The group resources section of SchoolProtect offers functionality for MATS/Trusts, third party support & borough organisations.


The functionality offered in this section is currently limited to 'Group Bundles'. Group Resources >> Group Bundles


Group bundles allows the creation of bundles of URLs/resources that can be linked to schools in the group. A single change to a bundle in the central location, will filter down to all school policies where it is linked.


For example an administrator at many schools in a MAT can have a bundle linked to policies at all their schools. If they then want to make a change at all their schools, they make a change to this bundle and all the school policies receive the change.


If you are not currently a group administrator, but would like to be, please contact the Wavenet Education support team.


The page is divided into two sections, bundles you can edit & bundles you can not edit.


20 by 20       Creating & Managing Group Bundles


20 by 20       Linking Group Bundles To Policies


20 by 20       Additional Group Bundles Features


Also See:

System Info
